Perfect Pitch Coaching Ltd
Examples of how we work
Sometimes it's just easier to read about what our consultancy has done for other people - this might give you the gist of what we can do.
It's hard to put them all down because we do such a large variety of work. So if you have an idea, the easiest thing is to contact us to find out how we can help you.
Our talent and experience means that many things are possible. Anyway, here are a few examples....

UK Consumer Business
"Get my people speaking the same language and being strong leaders" Valspar UK Ltd
What did we do?
At Valspar Lori used INSIGHTs as the starting point to anwer this brief. We have delivered targetted presentation skills, communication coaching to build better relationships with stores and customers and increased the capacity of the leadership team through a 2-day progrmme. Emma ran an assessemnt centre to appoint one of their senior managers and we now advise on the company's talent selection programme. We work closely with the senior team in a number of personnel development areas. Lori is a key advisor and provider for Valspar's training programme for high potential individuals.
Global entertainment company
"Provide my staff with helpful, interactive lunchtime sessions"
Quartz Ltd (London)
What did we do?
Chris, Tom and Emma created one hour sessions around mindset, wellbeing and influence. They gave the staff some easy bite-size references and tools to take immediately into the workplace. The hard part was choosing from the array of available topics!

European Travel Experience Provider
"Help my organisation learn how to give and receive effective feedback"
Eurail BV
What did we do?
Emma designed and delivered with her team of actors, several bespoke feedback workshops with essential theory, role play and forum theatre. The training incorporated specific scenarios around giving feedback and learning how to have difficult conversations in the workplace. These ensured that the learning could be transferred to the real world.
Global design agency
"Get my leadership team working better together across continents"
Webb de Vlam (Chicago and London)
What did we do?
Lori created a programme of building understanding and gaining clarity of responsibilities across this disparate team. Beginning with INSIGHTs and a series of personal coaching sessions the Webb de Vlam Directors developed greater empathy with each other and a clearer outline of their accountability. Work with Webb de Vlam is ongoing across the global offices.

London TV & film production & distribution company
"Help my people bring their pitches to life at the next Market"
eOne enertainment Ltd
What did we do?
Lori created a 1.5 day workshop incorporating Storytelling, actor-led role play, soft skills training and video sessions. The team of 18 left the workshop invigorated and ready to pitch their programmes at Cannes the following week.

French Data Management
"Get my team to understand themselves better and have some fun!"
Stibo, France
What did we do?
Lori and Emma created a two day event comprising an INSIGHTs team session followed by a role play event. The team got to know each other better and used their knowledge of the INSIGHT preferences to solve the mystery. The event was set in a traditional panelled hotel in Kent, a perfect, traditional setting for the play!

European FMCG
"Help my sales people have presentation and pitching impact"
Sacla UK
What did we do?
Lori created and delivered a two-day presentation skills workshop, incorporating INSIGHTs theory to help the team understand their natural delivery style and the priorities of their audiences. The workshop included voice and non-verbal communication work and sessions of video to bring the participants' progress home. The outcome was increased confidence and a more dynamic pitching team. The company now regularly includes the workshop as part of their new staff induction.
Finance sector
"Help me become a Partner and work better with my direct reports"
What did we do?
Following an INSIGHTs profile Lori worked with this client to identify his and his team's preferences. Then we delivered a progamme of coaching including communication role play and management processes. In preparation for the Partnership process Lori staged mock question sessions, enhanced vocabulary and fed back on non-verbal communication to increase competence and professionalism.

Thank you for a great afternoon yesterday, for me personally it was most useful. I will be referring to your materials and words for many years to come.
Ronald de Vlam, CEO and Global Managing Partner, Webb de Vlam, Chicago
Working with Lori has been very insightful and has allowed me to focus on some of the softer management skills that are necessary in today’s business environment. The tools and exercises we worked through have given me real confidence to tackle difficult situations, be more perceptive/aware and able to adapt my communication style to different situations. I would definitely recommend Lori’s executive presentation skills workshop.
Mark Elwell - UK/Ireland Finance Director, PepsiCo